I'm overwhelmed at the positive response that I received from my first post. Thank you. It's nice to know that there are other people out there that can relate to my situation.
Okay! No more reminiscing. Only posts about moving forward from now on. Since my first post, so many great things have happened! I have made a new friend. I have reconnected with some old friends. I have faced Florence a few times (if you know me you know this is a big deal!). I actually love Florence now. I've been working out with friends. I started a new diet today. I decided I needed some down time, so I began to make time to read. My sweet girl, Hadley, turned three and she had a very girly princess party in true Hadley fashion..I volunteered with Casa...The list goes on and on.....I couldn't be happier than I am this very minute.
You may be sitting there wondering what the point in listing all the good things going on in my life is....well first of all, it's my blog and I do what I want ;-) hahaha kidding..... No but really, it's to just express how very blessed I am in this moment. I prayed on my knees for years and years for something good to happen for me, for something to go my way, for this, for that,but all the while I forgot to pray for God's will to be done. My prayers were full of "would you, could you, do you mind's" and I would be heartbroken when his answer wasn't yes. Selfish prayers. When I began this blog, I had already been going through an amazing journey with God. A journey that I thought I had already been a part of for years before that, but it wasn't until this spring that it really clicked. I began changing my behavior, trying my best to strengthen my witness, and the kicker was learning how to pray with an open heart. In turn, God may not have given me everything I wanted but he opened my eyes to see all of the wonderful things that I already had.
I am doing the "Jesus Calling" devotion. If you're searching for a devotion.....I believe this one has healing powers! While reading tonight's devotion I came across the words, "Brighten up the world by reflecting who I am." These few words have so much power behind them. Encourage one another. Smile. Give freely. Love fully. Expect nothing in return. At the end of the day, let all the things you do glorify God. I really believe that if you live your life this way, all things wonderful will fall into place.
So far so good!
Love this Melesa! So so so happy for you!!