Say it with me.. "Whatever you decide to do, do what makes you happy."
Now breathe.
If it doesn't make you happy, it's not worth your time. Life is too short to waste your time being unhappy. I don't care if it's a relationship, a job, it doesn't matter...whatever it is....if you can't say to yourself at the end of the day that you are truly happy, then something is wrong.
When I find myself down, as I sometimes do, I have to stop and just take a step back and ask myself,
"Why aren't you happy and how can you fix it?"
Usually my answers go from "because he did this" or "because he didn't do this" or "she said this".... I've always heard that when you point one finger at someone, three are pointing back at you. Sometimes we have to take responsibility for our problems. Stop dwelling in the pity party and get up and try to figure out what really has made you unhappy, if it's worth letting yourself be hurt by this, and how the issue can be fixed.
I realize that sometimes, somethings are out of our hands. I like to call these lovely things, "The Blindside"...
((((Thhhheee Blindsiiiiiiiiidddddeeee))))
(I hope you read that how I said it..)
The blindside sucks. Bottom line. No sweet or cute way to describe sucks. We've all been there. You may be there today, and if you are, I'm sorry...because it sucks...haha okay okay I know I've already said it..just wanted to sympathize.
When I get knocked down by the blindside, this is what helps me; I cry. Weren't expecting that were you? I'm here to tell you, it's okay. It's okay to cry. I give myself an be really sad and deal with how I am feeling. Don't ignore it, embrace it. Once your time's up, get up. Get out of the house. Do something productive. Love yourself. By this point there is no turning back, you have got to pick yourself up at and just move along. I was talking to my aunt recently and she said to me,"All you can do is your best. If at the end of the day you know you've done your best and you don't get the results you want, it's not because you didn't do your part.."
The Blindside is inevitable. It's how you bounce back that really sets you apart.
"If you want to be happy, be. "
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